Sunday, January 2, 2011

Liposuction in Las Vegas

New Year’s resolutions often include losing weight. However, what if living an active healthy lifestyle has not resulted in a streamlined silhouette? Although liposculpture is not a treatment for weight loss, it can permanently improve body proportion and may sometimes be the only way to eliminate fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. Also called liposuction, liposculpture, is currently a popular procedure in our society for body contouring.  Specific areas of concern usually include the abdomen, hips, waist (or “love handles), thighs, buttocks, neck and chin. Today, modern techniques are utilized which serve to improve cosmetic results. Patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to maximize and maintain desirable results. 
CALL: 702.360.2767 for more information.

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